Category Archives: Diet

January 8, 2024


Even if you have had a good quality and refreshing sleep, you can still feel tired in the day because of imbalanced blood sugar levels.

This is normally due to not eating regularly enough, or not having a great composition of meals, for example not combining carbohydrates and protein in every single meal.

Introducing a few protein snacks throughout the day is a great idea, including lean meats, a small yogurt, a piece of cheese or a hard-boiled egg (or plant-based equivalents like nuts and seeds).

These protein-heavy snacks will keep our energy levels nice and balanced throughout the day.

November 6, 2023


We assume that keeping our glucose levels steady is an issue solely for diabetics, but it is vital for all of us to make sure we are educated on the importance of glucose tracking for optimal health.

Glucose spikes can lead to issues such as prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, weight gain and lack of energy, among other issues.

Recommendations to keep blood sugar levels steady include eating your meal in a certain order – veggies, then protein, then carbs – drinking apple cider vinegar before eating (which may reduce a glucose spike by up to 30%) and combining food well by making sure you’re eating carbs and proteins together. For example, instead of eating an apple on its own, slice it and use the slices to scoop up some protein-rich peanut butter.

September 11, 2023


Bloating happens to the best of us, and it’s usually nothing to worry about. But it can make you feel super uncomfortable, and chances are you want to get rid of that feeling ASAP. While you can reach for an over-the-counter aid for relief, you’ll likely want to try foods that help with bloating first.

Pinpointing the types of food you should and shouldn’t eat can help you better predict the possibility you’ll be dealing with gas bloat after a big meal. Dairy, beans, cruciferous veggies like broccoli or cauliflower, or greasy foods can increase those odds for many people.

Another type of bloat, water bloat, often flares up due to hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle, dehydration, or excess sodium intake. Many people over-consume salt but under-consume potassium, which is a mineral found in fruits and veggies that helps counterbalance sodium.

Eating a lot of packaged sauces and meals, salty snacks, take-away meals or fast food typically leads to consuming too much sodium. Make sure you’re staying hydrated and consuming these key minerals (electrolytes) that also serve to counterbalance the effects of sodium in your body.

Water is pretty important for de-bloating, especially when your diet is full of high-fibre foods. When you eat fiber, you need to drink enough water to digest and move it efficiently through your GI tract.

Just note that in the short term, water can make you feel more bloated. Also, it’s smart to steer clear of fizzy water or seltzer, which can introduce extra gas into your digestive tract (not ideal).

Bloating typically goes away on its own, but you can speed up the process by snacking on these 10 foods that reduce bloat, according to nutritionists and backed by research.

1. Yogurt
Yogurt is packed with probiotics – good bacteria that populate your GI tract to support a healthy digestive process and calm inflammation.

2. Ginger
One of the oldest herbal medicines around, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties work wonders on bloat and gas.

3. Fennel
Fennel is a natural diuretic that can also help banish intestinal gas (a.k.a. it works on both types of bloating).

4. Bananas
Potassium is the main reason this low-maintenance food helps with bloat.

5. Lemons
Lemon juice is very similar in acidity to the stomach’s digestive juices, so it can help relieve bloating and other symptoms of indigestion.

6. Avocados
Avocados are an excellent source of bloat-reducing potassium and antioxidants. Research also suggests that avocados can improve your gut health and combat bloat by breaking down fibre and reducing bile acids (digestive fluids produced by the liver).

7. Cucumber
Cucumber contains lots of water to help keep you hydrated, which is great for helping to clear out excess water from your cells and gas from your GI tract.

8. Asparagus
The amino acid asparagine in asparagus is another known diuretic that helps reduce water retention.

9. Kiwi
These powerful little fruits contain another enzyme, actinidin, that helps speed up digestion. Studies show they can induce normal bowel movements to minimise bloating and stomach pain caused by constipation.

10. White beans
While other beans can lead to mega-bloat, white beans (a.k.a. navy beans) are high in potassium, which helps balance out sodium levels in our body. Research shows white beans contain lots of fibre, which improves digestion and promotes regular bowel movements to limit bloat due to constipation.

May 8, 2023


Extending your overnight fast is known as time-restricted eating (TRE) and is based on research showing the multiple health benefits from having a slightly later breakfast and an earlier evening meal (and of course, no late night snack!). 

TRE is a very popular form of intermittent fasting and sometimes also known as 16:8 or 14:10.

16:8 is the more challenging version, involving fasting for 16 hours and only eating within an eight-hour window. But don’t worry if you can’t last for this amount of time. Anyone who manages an overnight fast of more than 12 hours is doing really well.

There have been numerous studies showing that extending your overnight fast and eating within a shortened daytime window can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, help you lose weight, improve your sleep, cut your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, and may even slow the rate at which the brain declines as we age.

February 13, 2023


It is often said that an apple a day keep the doctor away – but now in-depth research looking at more than 150 studies has shown this might well be true.

It concluded that flavan-3-ols, a compound found in high quantities in apples, can improve blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

For maximum benefits, aim for 500mg of flavan-3-ol a day, which is the equivalent of an apple, some berries and two cups of tea.

January 10, 2023


If you’re planning to hit the gym this New Year, try adding raw ginger to your post workout smoothie.

It contains gingerol and shogaols, with anti-inflammatory properties. A 2010 study on pain found that 2g of raw ginger reduced exercise-induced muscle pain by up to 25% for 24 hours compared with a placebo.

November 7, 2022


Stress can lead to weight gain and make you more likely to overeat. We live in an increasingly hectic world, and stress is an unwelcome fixture in many lives. Emotional stressors are something we have to deal with on a daily (or in some cases, hourly) basis, and we are frequently exposed to physical stressors, too. Alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, pollution, lack of exercise, over-exercising and poor sleep patterns all add to the stress that is threatening to tip you over the edge and lead to low mood.

When the body is stressed, the small structures that control your hormones, known as the adrenal glands, go into overdrive, causing a rise in your metabolic rate. For the body to try to counteract this, we ‘use up’ nutrients faster than we can replace them. Couple this with a typical ‘pick me up’ diet of sugary, carbohydrate-rich, grab-and-go foods, and stress quickly gives way to anxiety, depression and illness.

Next time you’re feeling the pressures of life, try ditching the wine and ice cream, and munch on the best calming foods for stress relief instead. 


Add this exotic fruit to your morning smoothie. Vitamin C is used in large quantities by the adrenal glands, therefore long-term stress can result in a depletion of this immune-boosting antioxidant. Guava, strawberries and kiwi fruit also warrant a thumbs up.


Fish is high in vitamin B12, which is essential for combating irritability, depression, anxiety and insomnia. B12 works in synergy with folic acid, so combine your fish with folate-rich spinach for a nutrient double whammy. 

Pumpkin seeds

These nutty nibbles contain L-tryptophan. This is an essential amino acid that causes a boost in serotonin (the body’s natural anti-depressant) and melatonin (our natural sleeping aid). As it’s not produced within the body, we have to consume tryptophan-rich foods. Other sources are turkey and baked potatoes.


Magnesium deficiency, a common side effect of stress, can magnify symptoms. Due to modern farming and processing, much of the food we consume is lacking in this vital mineral. Therefore, we have to try harder to include foods that are naturally rich in this disease-combating marvel. Nuts, in particular almonds, are rich in magnesium and should be included in small amounts, daily.

Swiss Chard

During periods of stress, we excrete more potassium than usual, which can lead to some pretty unpleasant side effects over time. Almost every organ, cell and tissue needs potassium in order to function optimally. It also aids smooth muscle contraction (including the muscles that control digestion, which is why stress and irritable bowels often go hand in hand). Dark leafy greens, such as swiss chard, can go some way in rectifying this.


Not only are eggs rich in a whole host of valuable nutrients, including zinc, which is an essential immune booster, but they are also one of the best sources of protein around. Our protein stores are used up quickly during periods of stress. Plus, considering protein is used in almost every function right down to cellular level, it’s essential that stores are replenished regularly.


Apparently there’s a reason us highly stressed Brits stick the kettle on when things get too much. According to studies, four cups of black tea per day may promote a feeling of calm and aid in de-stressing. If you find your caffeine sensitive, stick to herbal teas, such as chamomile. 


Sleep-inducing and tranquilising, honey truly is one of nature’s best remedies. Try drizzling over your morning oats for breakfast or stirring into some warm milk for a good night’s rest.

June 6, 2022


Struggling to lose weight? It may be time to think about your gut health. There’s a growing amount of research revealing the importance of your gut health when it comes to weight loss. Here’s a look at the role your microbes play in weight management.

What is the gut microbiome?

Did you know that you have around 400 bacterial species and an estimated 100 trillion microbes in your gut? Known as the gut microbiome, its composition and diversity can have a profound effect on your health.

Not only does your gut health and microbiome regulate your metabolism and help you absorb nutrients from food, it can also influence whether you are lean or obese and how well you respond to weight-loss programmes.

Your microbiome performs a number of important roles when it comes to metabolic health. This includes how much energy your body absorbs from food, your appetite and satiety. It also has a role in the production of certain vitamins and short-chain fatty acids.

The first few years of your life are particularly important for shaping your gut. However, research has shown that the composition of your gut microbiome can alter through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Can your gut health influence weight loss?

It has been known for a while that the composition of the microbiome between obese and lean people is different. New research reveals that the health and composition of your gut microbiome may influence your weight loss ability.

It appears that certain bacteria help break down carbohydrates (like those found in whole grains) into simple sugars. This makes them easier to digest and potentially less likely to be stored as fat.

In addition, research has shown that certain bacterial species (including a group called prevotella) produce higher levels of compounds known as short-chain fatty acids (such as butyrate, acetate and propionate). These substances reduce inflammation in the body, improve insulin sensitivity and, in turn, may facilitate greater weight loss.

Other clinical trials have also shown that certain types of bacteria present in probiotics can help with weight loss. Studies on more advanced treatments such as faecal microbiota transplantation (a procedure in which gut bacteria from a healthy person is placed in a patient to replace good bacteria that are missing) have been shown to lower inflammation. It has also been shown to improve insulin resistance and may even be a potential treatment for type 2 diabetes.

There are also bacteria species (such as bifidobacteria) known to produce short-chain fatty acids. These appear particularly important when it comes to metabolic health and weight management. Research has linked a higher level of these fatty acids to better insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake. In turn, this can influence fat composition. The short-chain fatty acid called propionate supports the production of hormones which influence satiety. By controlling appetite, it may be easier to stick to a weight-loss programme.

Are there ‘fat’ and ‘skinny’ bacteria?

Does ‘skinny bacteria’ exist? Strictly speaking, there are no ‘skinny’ or ‘fat’ bacteria. What matters is your microbiome composition, and the diversity of species and the range of certain beneficial microbes. While it does appear there are specific bacteria species (such as akkermansia muciniphila) associated with lean body weight, there is no magic bullet or quick-fix weight loss gut health supplement. Your gut bacteria won’t directly cause you to lose weight; it is via their activities throughout the body that influence inflammation, how you utilise energy, how you burn fat, as well as how hungry or full you feel, that they help you lose, gain or maintain your weight.

So, how can you modify your microbiome and improve your gut health to aid weight loss? One of the key ways is eating more plant-based foods rich in prebiotic fibres and plant compounds known to enhance beneficial gut microbes. While it is useful to include probiotic-rich fermented foods – such as yoghurt, kefir, miso, sauerkraut, kimchi or kombucha – for weight loss benefits, prebiotics should take centre stage in your good gut health diet.

November 1, 2021


Our diet has a huge impact on how well we sleep, but what should we be eating – and avoiding – to ensure we get a good night’s rest?

Sleep-friendly foods:

Oily fish
This is a high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which increased levels of serotonin. This is later converted into melatonin, the sleep hormone. Sardines, mackerel and tinned salmon are excellent sources.

Whole grains
A low-fibre diet is associated with lighter, less restorative sleep. Fibre helps balance blood sugar and is good for your gut flora and cardiovascular system, in turn helping sleep. Try to eat wholegrains like wholemeal bread, brown rice and wholegrain cereals.

Nuts and seeds
Many, like sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts, are high in magnesium, which is commonly referred to as the sleep mineral.

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and yoghurt are thought to help promote good gut bacteria. This correlates with better quality of sleep.

Protein-rich foods like turkey and peanuts contain tryptophan, and amino acid that helps us doze off more easily. Protein also makes us feel fuller for longer, meaning we are less likely to give in to snacking!

Nighttime no-nos:

If you’re struggling to sleep soundly, you should avoid the following…

Coffee, tea and most energy drinks contain caffeine, a stimulant that affects our ability to nod off. Have a couple of cups of coffee in the morning but switch to herbal teas after midday.

You might feel it’s easier to drift off after a glass of wine but alcohol is proven to disrupt sleep because it can cause us to skip the vital first stage of sleep, known as REM (rapid eye movement). Worse still, alcohol upsets our blood sugar levels and leads to dehydration. There are all sorts  of mechanisms by which alcohol disrupts sleep.

White carbs and sugar-based foods reduce sleep quality. If you’re having blood sugar highs and lows, your body’s constantly trying to balance everything, which is a stress on your system.

High-fat foods like cakes and crisps are harder to digest and can cause issues at bedtime when our digestive system should be winding down.

October 4, 2021


Feed the good bugs in your gut, reduce inflammation and put your brain into ‘grow’ mode: all things that can help with depression and anxiety. Pick the food you enjoy eating most from each category below and fill up on more of them.

Leafy greens
Spinach, kale, rocket and chard contain plenty of fibre and vitamin A, linked to the brains ability to grow. The vitamin C counteracts free-radical damage.

Aim for: chopped greens every day.
Get more: blend kale into a smoothie.

Rainbow fruits and vegetables
Nutrients in purple, red and orange foods reduce inflammation.

Aim for: a handful with each meal.
Get more: roast, stir-fry or use as the basis for pasta sauces and stews.

Seafood helps you get the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that your brain needs to stimulate nerve-growth factors.

Aim for: two seafood meals each week.
Get more: turn mild-tasting fish into tacos, or serve steamed mussels over pasta.

Nuts, beans and seeds
Rich in brain nutrients including fibre, zinc and iron – important for your red blood cells.

Aim for: at least a small handful every day.
Get more: add walnuts to a smoothie, or throw black beans into your favourite soups or stews.

Eggs and dairy
Eggs contain protein, B vitamins, which help regulate brain chemicals, and choline, linked to fewer anxiety symptoms.

Aim for: five to seven eggs and three to five servings of dairy (ideally fermented) per week.
Get more: whip up a vegetable frittata.

With the rise of vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, many of us feel conflicted about eating meat. Still, it’s a potent source of iron, protein and B12.

Aim for: three servings per week (not required).
Get the right stuff: grass-fed beef has fewer calories and better fats for your brain.