Monthly Archives: March 2018

March 19, 2018


  1. Go green
    Magnesium can improve how quickly you fall asleep. Up your intake with leafy greens, such as spinach.
  2. Picture the scene
    Visualising a relaxing place, such as a beach, has been shown to help insomniacs drop off 20 mins earlier than normal.
  3. Eat right
    Eating more fibre leads to better and deeper sleep, while meals high in saturated fat and sugar have the opposite effect.
  4. Be consistent
    Having a set time to go to bed and get up helps to regulate your body clock.
  5. Breathe easy
    Breathing exercises relax your mind and body making it easier to switch off.
  6. Take a tech break
    Looking at your phone or laptop before you go to sleep could be stopping you from falling asleep and affecting your sleep quality. The blue light from screens can interrupt your melatonin production, which helps control your sleep/wake cycles.
  7. Never exercise before bed
    Heavy workouts release adrenaline, elevate cortisol levels and raise body temperature – not good for sleep.
March 5, 2018


Ounce for ounce, fat has more calories than any other nutrient, so it has been long shunned by dieters. But we just need to know which fats to eat.

Try to eat sources of unsaturated fat, which don’t raise cholesterol – such as oily fish, avocados and nuts – and keep portions small.