Monthly Archives: June 2013

June 25, 2013



A. There is generally much hype about the benefits of sports drinks, but one must be aware of when to use them and when water is sufficient.

If you exercise for an hour or more, a sports drink can be helpful. Used at the right time (30 minutes before exercise and during exercise lasting longer than an hour), these drinks have been shown to increase performance.

However, sports drink do have a high sugar content, so make sure you use them as an aid to exercise only, and not as a thirst quencher. Stick to water for that!

June 19, 2013



Cutting your food into small pieces could be the key to a slimmer waistline.

Research has shown that those who consume smaller mouthfuls eat slower, which tricks the brain into thinking that more has been eaten.

The increased meal time also allows time for satiety signals to kick in.

Try eating without distraction too, as this forces you to think about each mouthful you take, as well as slow down your eating tempo.

When we sit in front of the TV our brain is on automatic and will just shovel the food in, without realising the quantity that we consume or the speed at which we do so.

June 13, 2013


Living in a big city such as London, it’s easy to forget the importance of our local communities.

As a Personal Trainer, as with many business owners, my livelihood very much depends on the people in my local community. Therefore, it’s always a great opportunity for me to be able to meet them.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the parents in the area, at the Busy Rascals group in Willesden Green.

Busy Rascals is a fantastic project set up for parents and their babies/children to be able to meet, socialise and participate in various activities including music, dance and parent workshops (

By being able to speak to the people in my neighbourhood, I am able to better tailor my services to their needs.

I started offering home workouts as part of my service just over 5 years ago, and since then the majority of my clients have been, and still are, mums.

Working out at home has given them the opportunity to undertake a regular exercise programme without having to be apart from their children, or having to pay additional childcare costs whilst attending a gym.

June 10, 2013



Herbs are often underrated for the benefits they have on our bodies. From helping with digestion, to boosting our immune system, the power of herbs can be vast. Invest in these fresh herbs to give your health a boost.

Parsley – The Immune Booster

  • Contains more vitamin C, gram for gram, than most citrus fruits
  • Two tablespoons of fresh, chopped parsley contains 150% of your RDA of vitamin K, which is important for bone health
  • A good source of vitamin A and folate, the latter is important for pregnant women as it has been shown to reduce spina bifida in babies
  • A diuretic, which helps combat bloating and water retention
  • Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which helps with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Coriander – The Energy Amplifier

  • Contains a huge range of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and folate, which help give us energy
  • Believed to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Best known for its antibacterial and anti-fungal effect.

Basil – The Anti-Ager

  • Packed full of flavonoids, which have been shown to protect cells from chromosomal damage
  • Reduces cell damage from radiation and free radicals as well as protect the skin form the sun.

Mint – The Digestion Soother

  • Can help to break down fat, so is traditionally served after meals
  • High in vitamin C, vitamin A and manganese which also help with the metabolism of fat and protein.

Rosemary – The Cancer Fighter

  • Research has shown that it can reduce the risk of breast cancer by blocking some of the damaging effects of oestrogen in the body
  • High in vitamin E, which is important for skin healing
  • A strong antibacterial effect that has long made it a remedy for a sore throat.
June 3, 2013



Add the following superfoods to your diet to help increase the fat you burn and to support your workouts.

  1. Broccoli – helps to revitalise your liver by flushing out toxins from your body and encouraging the breakdown of fat.
  2. Eggs – rich in choline, a B vitamin that can help to regulate fat in the liver.
  3. Berries – a great source of antioxidants as well as fibre for fat-fighting roughage.
  4. Greek Yoghurt – a high-protein food that will help to build muscle rather than fat.
  5. Cinnamon – speeds up your metabolism and helps your body process sugar more effectively, so you’ll dodge that insulin spike that could lead to fat storage.