Monthly Archives: April 2020

April 17, 2020


Many people give up on an exercise regime because they started over-enthusiastically and suffered an injury. Instead, start at a level that slightly challenges you and work on up. 

Move smoothly with control rather than swinging or bouncing. Push your limits gently and take time to perfect each move. Exercises are only effective if carried out correctly. 

You are wasting your effort as well as risking injury if you do you numerous repetitions wrongly or force your body passed its natural limits. Knees, ankles and lower back are especially vulnerable.

You may ache a little the day after your first few sessions, but you shouldn’t feel any pain. If you’re exhausted or hobbling, you’ve been working too hard. Ease off to avoid sabotaging your programme. 

April 3, 2020


A plant-based diet

A vegetarian diet can seem extreme to some, but it’s a natural and nourishing way to eat. Many cultures around the world have a tradition of vegetarianism dating back thousands of years.

Science and health authorities are pretty much in agreement that the plant-based diet is the most vital way to eat. 

Today, more and more people are choosing a vegan lifestyle. As long as you eat with variety and make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need, you’re eating well.

Plant-based food is climate-smart to, using less energy and water than it takes to produce meat and fish.