Monthly Archives: January 2013

January 26, 2013



Think you don’t have time to workout? Find it difficult to put aside time just for you? Well you may be surprised that you don’t need an hour – or even half an hour – a day to lose weight or get into great shape.

Studies have found that 15 minutes of resistance training is just as effective at boosting your metabolism as 35 minutes. It also found that women have a better chance of sticking to a plan if they only had to commit to 15-minute sessions.

All it takes is 15 minutes, four to six times a week. You will soon see the many benefits, including increased calorie burn (body-sculpting resistance training builds muscle which in turn burns calories).

This type of training will also help you to decrease your stress levels, sleep better and can even fend off cancer and diabetes. So why wait? Get on and do your 15 mins today!

January 13, 2013


Everyone knows that regular exercise is good for your physical health, helping to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and strokes.

More recently, studies have shown that regular physical activity can have major benefits for your mental health too. Exercise can help people recover from depression and prevent them from becoming depressed in the first place.

Exercise should be something that you enjoy. if not you will find it hard to find the motivation to do it regularly. Even a 15 minute walk can help you clear your mind and relax. Any exercise is better than none.

Anyone with depression can benefit from doing regular exercise, but it’s especially useful for people with mild depression.

If you’ve been feeling down for more than two weeks, see your GP to discuss your symptoms. They can tell you about the choice of treatment available for depression and help you decide what’s best for you.

January 5, 2013



When we workout and begin to sweat, we need to ensure that we recognise the signs of dehydration early to prevent upsetting the balance of minerals, including salts and sugar, in your system. Even a small amount of fluid loss can cause your body to work less efficiently.

Feeling thirsty, light-headed, tired, headachey, a dry mouth and lips are all signs of dehydration. Take a look at this top 5 list of drinks to help your body keep hydrated.

Water is the perfect hydrator. You should aim to drink at least 1.2 litres of fluid (six to eight 250ml glasses) a day and increase this to 2.5 litres in hot weather, when you lose more fluid through sweat.

2. Squash or diluted fruit juice
If you find water boring, try highly diluted squash or fruit juice.

3. Sports drinks
Sports drinks don’t necessarily hydrate your body as fast as water, but they do provide a quick energy source. Only have energy drinks, or ‘hypertonic’ drinks, with a higher level of carbohydrate, after doing very high levels of exercise, to quickly replace muscle glycogen stores.

4. Tea
Drinking up to four mugs of black tea with milk a day is just as hydrating as drinking the same quantity of water. However, the caffeine in tea starts acting as adiuretic (increases fluid loss by causing you to pass more urine) when you exceed around five cups a day, so go easy or switch to herbal teas.

5. Coconut water
Fresh coconut water is naturally isotonic, with a 330ml serving containing more potassium than two bananas plus five other naturally occurring electrolytes. It has one-fifth of the sugar found in fruit juice, plus a little fibre.

January 1, 2013


2013 is here and like thousands of other women across the country you are probably thinking about making a New Year’s Resolution.

Many of which go along the lines of wanting to do more exercise or to eat more healthy. If so, that’s great. But can you stick to it?

Here’s one way to a healthier lifestyle that is simple and easy to fit into your everyday routine.

How often have you felt bored, sitting in front of the telly just watching whatever happens to be on? Next time this happens, get up and start moving!

Sitting down and relaxing is great and we all need to make sure we have some ‘me time’ or simply ‘time to do nothing’. Relaxation is of course as important as exercise.

However, if this is a more regular occurrence, think of all the things you could be doing in that 30 minutes or an hour.

Make everyday chores fun. Dance and sing along to your favourite music while cleaning the house or ironing.Rope someone else in to half the time it takes and make everyday tasks a competition between you.

Make the most of the British summer (I know that seems a long way off at the moment!) and wash the car or do gardening on those sunny days.

And it doesn’t have to be work work work. Go out for a long walk or cycle to your local shops.

Not only will you feel better for getting up and about, you’ll burn those all important calories whilst doing it too!