Monthly Archives: May 2016

May 20, 2016



It is likely that you are throwing away the most nutritional parts of certain foods. Take a look at the list below to see how you can put the ‘waste’ to good use.

  • Broccoli Stalks
    Rich in antioxidants, the stem contains more digestion-bossting fibre than the florets. Use in juices and soups, or grate over salads.
  • Sprouted garlic
    When garlic sprouts a green shoot, it contains five times the antioxidants of fresh, lowering the risk of heart disease still further.
  • Orange and lemon peel
    The skin contains more flavonoid phytochemicals – linked to better brain health – than the fruit itself. Grate unwaxed zest into salad dressings or to flavour natural yogurt.
  • Strawberry tops
    Strawberry leaves contain more antioxidants than the fruit. These slow down cell damage linked to wrinkles. Blitz a few into your smoothie.
  • Celery greens
    Higher in vitamins than the fibrous stalks, celery leaves are a good source of immunity-boosting vitamin E. Juice like any other green or add to stocks/soups.
  • Pineapple core
    Tough pineapple cores contain twice as much bromelain – an enzyme with pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties – as the flesh. Slice thinly and bake on a low heat to make pineapple crisps.