Monthly Archives: April 2015

April 24, 2015


Foam roller

As the popularity of high-intensity workouts soars, the pressure of Hiit workouts and the like, can mean that people are more susceptible to injury.

Which is why there is a new-found importance being placed on recovery – this year’s buzzword – and there has been a rise in classes such as restorative yoga and self-myofascial release (soft-tissue therapy) methods that also include massage balls, foam rollers, ice baths and massage.

These techniques can help promote recovery and enhance overall sports performance and longevity in training, whatever your goals might be.

The recovery phase has long been an important (but too often ignored) part of a workout. But these strategies speed up and optimise recovery and rebuilding, meaning you are less likely to tear, pull or anger anything that might end up putting you out of your new-year regime altogether.

April 13, 2015



  • Onions are an excellent antioxidant, and they contain anti-allergy, antiviral and antihistamine properties.
  • Sulfur compounds in onions help to detoxify the body.
  • Onions aid in cellular repair.
  • Onions are a rich source of quercetin, a potent antioxidant.
  • To obtain the maximum nutritional benefits, onions should be eaten raw or lightly steamed
April 1, 2015




This move targets all muscles below the waist, including core, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.

How to do it:

  • Standing with your legs shoulder-width apart, extend your left leg straight out in front of you, making sure your muscles are tensed and foot’s flexed.
  • Extend your arms forward to counterbalance your body weight as you squat down with your right leg, pushing your body weight back as though you’re going to sit down into a chair and exhale as you lower down.
  • Keep your core engaged throughout to support your back. Inhale and return to the start position, repeating 15 times.
  • Swap legs and do 15 more reps.