Monthly Archives: August 2018

August 17, 2018


Have an MOT
Early detection of any health condition increases the chance of a cure, so have a health check for ‘hidden’ problems such as raised cholesterol, high blood pressure and glucose intolerance that don’t produce obvious symptoms.

Watch the booze
Alcohol contributes to anxiety and depression, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, weight gain and liver disease. You can assess if you are drinking too much at

Cut back on salt
Salt contributes to the age-related increase in blood pressure. Avoid salty foods, don’t add salt at the table, and check labels to select products that have low salt/sodium content.

Cut back on sugar
Excessive sugar intakes are linked with weight gain and increased risk of type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, heart disease, stroke, dementia and some cancers. Public Health England suggests adults should have no more than 30g free sugars (7 sugar cubes) per day. Wean yourself off of sweet foods, and check labels to find products with the lowest sugar content.

Track yourself
The amount of physical activity carried out by middle-aged men in particular, is worrying low. Only 20% do light-to-moderate exercise, and 60% are totally inactive. Use an activity tracker or pedometer to monitor how much exercise you’re doing.

August 3, 2018


Never rush through warm-up and cool-down sessions
You might want to push straight to your desired speed while out running, or you think it’s ok to sneak into your workout class after warm-up or leave without doing the cool-down.

However, it’s important to warm up and cool down properly to prepare your muscles for the workout ahead, and to speed up recovery and avoid injury.